Unless the Government regains a people-first perspective, Spencer warns, citizens will continue to suffer

Former Prime Minister Dr. Baldwin Spencer says the policies and
programmes being implemented by the Antigua Labour Party
Government are not people centered.
Spencer, who once led the United Progressive Party (UPP) with its
People First” mantra, says the Gaston Browne Administration needs
to do much better, since too many residents are struggling in an
economy that is supposed to be a powerhouse.
The Government has been criticized for failing to introduce any
significant social programme – even during the COVID-19 pandemic
when the situation of thousands of families was dire.
Accordingly, the Browne Administration appears to be pushing its
self-enrichment programme ahead of the welfare of the people,
Spencer says.

Unfortunately, he adds, this type of philosophy does not redound to
the benefit of citizens and residents.

That was former Prime Minister Dr. Baldwin Spencer.

Unless, or until, the authorities get back to the position where the
people are the main focus of how government is run, Spencer says
there will continue to be “a disconnect,” and the ordinary citizens
and residents will suffer.