National chapter of CIWiL establishes ‘Fempreneur Fund’ and encourages women to bid for financial assistance

To commemorate International Women’s Day, which was celebrated
on March 8, the national chapter of the Caribbean Women in
Leadership (CIWiL) organization has established a fund to support
female-run businesses.

CIWiL Chairman Calisha Spencer says the “Fempreneur Fund,” as it
has been named, will assist female entrepreneurs with financial

Since International Women’s Day is celebrated on one day only,
CIWiL wished to take the celebration a bit further. And it decided
that the establishment of this endowment – launched last week –
was the way to go.

Spencer says the application process is now open, and interested
female entrepreneurs can visit the CIWiL website and social media
pages, where they will find the link that directs applicants to the
fund’s homepage.

She says the entrepreneurs should fill out the form, giving as much
information as possible in the relevant fields. Then, once the
document has been submitted and is received, it allows the
applicant to vie for assistance from the fund.

Anticipating a significant number of responses, Spencer explains
that there will be an evaluation process, so that all applicants are
afforded a fair chance to access the fund.

According to Spencer, this initiative is a three-months-long venture
that aims to give enough consideration to women in the various

However, she notes that CIWiL is hoping to complete the application
process within a month’s time – by April 8 – based on the number of
applications received.

In the meantime, Spencer says, CIWiL has several other activities
planned, and these will take the organization down to about June.
The chairman says that a scholarship opportunity – in collaboration
with one of CIWiL’s corporate sponsors – is on the horizon.

This initiative is similar to one executed in 2023 and 2022, and
persons aged 18 years and over are the preferred target.

That was Calisha Spencer, chairman of the the Antigua and
Barbuda chapter of the Caribbean Women in Leadership
organization (CIWiL).

CIWIL was conceptualized in the 1980s, with a chapter being
established here in 2020. Prior to that, local members were a part
of the regional grouping.

This year’s theme is “Invest in Women’s Dreams; Empowering