MP Watts says plans are afoot to stop Barbuda expedition from visiting parts of the sister-island, but he will not be deterred

It appears that the authorities are planning to prevent weekend
visitors from accessing certain locations on Barbuda, MP Algernon
“Serpent” Watts says.

Watts has organized a boat trip to the sister-island next Sunday,
August 20, so that Antiguan residents can get a firsthand look at the
physical situation there, particularly as it pertains to land.

On Antigua, there has been increased interest in the allotment of
Barbuda land to those who claim communal ownership and the
division and sale of large tracts to outsiders – particularly since the
passage of legislation that gives the Crown certain rights that are
contested by the Barbuda Council.

However, the St. George MP says he has been given the heads-up
that plans are afoot to prevent him and his delegation from
venturing into certain parts of the island. But, he declares, he will
not be deterred from his mission on Barbuda.
A cross-section of Antiguan residents has already indicated interest
in taking the trip, and, according to Watts, the “expedition” to
Barbuda will also see the involvement of a number of youth, as
young as 12 years of age.