Strain of ongoing water situation is affecting physical health and morale of seniors and the sick

The water situation continues to challenge residents across the
country, but especially seniors and the sick, according to
complaints received on Friday.

Persons from Crosbies to Bolans contacted REAL News to say they
were without running water and to explain the toll the ongoing
situation is taking on them.

One retiree says she is having to use the supply in her cistern
very, very sparingly, given that rainfall, since February, has
become very infrequent.

Accordingly, she is experiencing both a natural drought and a dry
spell from the Antigua Public Utilities Authority (APUA).

Other seniors tell our Newsroom that the temperature appears to
have become extremely high already, and the absence of water is
preventing them from bathing as often as they should for their
comfort and health.

Meanwhile, a Southside resident laments that, having had heart
surgery, she is “finding it almost impossible to lift water to clean
up anymore.”

The water situation, she says, “is horrible,” and she is deeply
concerned that others with certain medical conditions might
similarly be “in agony.”

The strain of her circumstances, she adds, “is causing other things
to resurface,” as well.

Therefore, she is calling on Heaven to help this country – since the
Browne Administration and the APUA appear to be incapable of
doing so.