Thursday night’s rally in Urlings postponed to next Monday because of soggy grounds, Simon reports

The United Progressive Party (UPP) public rally that was set for
Thursday evening, October 5, in Urlings, has been postponed until
next week.
The UPP candidate for the constituency, Kelvin “Shugy” Simon, who
would have been the featured speaker, says the by-election
campaign event will now be held on Monday, October 9, beginning
at 7 p.m, on the Urlings playing field.

The rally is postponed, he explains, because of the soggy conditions
of the field and the Party’s desire not to damage its playing surface
by placing heavy equipment there.
If by Monday the condition of the field does not improve, he says, a
different venue will be used.
Monday is also Nomination Day for the constituency’s by-election,
and UPP supporters are expected to turn out to the rally in numbers
to endorse Simon’s candidacy.