Golden Grove woman’s screams thwart break-in and send would-be thief scurrying down 40-foot ladder

It appears that the screams of a woman thwarted a break-in at her
Golden Grove home and sent the aspiring thief running from the
Reports say that an unknown man attempted to break into the
woman’s bedroom at about 4:45 a.m. on Saturday, September 23.
The victim says she went to bed sometime after 1 a.m. and was
awakened by a noise. Apparently, she thought it was her boyfriend
coming into the room; however, as she opened her eyes, she noticed
a light shining into her room through a window.

The woman immediately began to scream and the would-be-
intruder fled from the scene.

It is alleged that the perpetrator had used a 40-foot ladder to gain
height to the second-story bedroom window and then used a sharp
implement to cut a hole in the screen.
However, after he was disturbed by the woman’s screams, he
dismounted the ladder and ran off on foot.
The matter was reported to the Grays Farm Police Station and
investigations into the attempted break-in are continuing.