Man who claims to be victim of cutlass attack ends up in better condition than his alleged attacker

A cutlass-wielding attack on the weekend has landed two men in the hospital,
one in a critical condition and the other said to be stable.
Reports say that a constable telephoned the Grays Farm Police Station and
informed officers that a wounded man was at the hospital, and had been
chopped by another man at about 6 a.m. on May 18.
According to further reports, a 32-year-old Hatton man had been attacked
from behind with a cutlass – by a man he recognized but does not know – and
chopped repeatedly with the weapon.

According to reports, the Hatton man managed to fend off some of the chops
directed at his head; but when he raised his arms to defend himself, he was
wounded in the palm of his hand and to his face. 
The victim reportedly sustained chop wounds to his forehead, right and left
hands, and the left side of his face.
Hospital doctors say the patient’s hands had to be X-rayed, and he will require
surgery to repair the tendons in both, but he is in a stable condition.
Meanwhile, the other man who was involved in the cutlass attack – a 29-year-
old man from Union Road, Hatton – sustained more severe injuries, but was
unable to say how they had been caused. 
However, doctors say the man suffered a fractured skull, a fractured wrist,
and a partially amputated left index finger.  He had to be placed on a ventilator
and remains in a critical condition.
When the Police visited the hospital, both men were in the Emergency Room,
next to each other, with a curtain separating them.
The incident is said to have taken place on the Donovans main road.

Apparently, a search was carried out at the scene for any objects or evidence
linked to the investigation, but none was found.