Two cops accused of skipping duty to attend training in another department with a minister’s blessing

Disciplinary charges against two female police officers are being investigated,
and sources claim the findings could bring the image of the Immigration
Department into disrepute on one hand and result in dismissals from the
Force on the other.

The sources allege that both officers are attached to a country station and are
deemed to have abandoned their jobs.

It is further alleged that a Cabinet minister is complicit in the actions of the

In one instance, a constable is alleged to have reported sick, but was
discovered at a public place, reportedly engaged in an Immigration training

She was reported for malingering, amongst other offences, the sources claim.
However, she failed to report for duty when instructed to do so and has not
showed up since.

Rather, the sources allege that she has taken up other duties at another
location attached to the Ministry of Justice, and has been away from her
substantive job for more than three weeks.

In the other instance, it is alleged that another constable had applied for a
position in a related government department and requested vacation leave
from the Force. However, her request was denied and the sources again allege
that the police officer failed to report for duty.

She, too, is said to have used the time to undergo training with the
Immigration Department, and was reported for neglect of duty amongst other
offences, the sources allege.

Three weeks later, the claim adds, she is yet to report for duty at her station.
The sources further allege that information has since surfaced indicating that
the commissioner of police was written to, informing him that the Cabinet
minister had given permission for the two constables to attend the training

Colleagues say they are now hoping that internal investigations will be
allowed to proceed without interference and that the two will be dismissed.
They say it will then be seen whether officers dismissed from one area of
national security can be re-employed in another area of the Ministry – that is,
the Immigration Department.