Former PM Spencer credits the appointment of women as being part of UPP Government’s success

Several members of the United Progressive Party (UPP) are paying
homage to women in Antigua and Barbuda; in the region; and across
the globe, as International Women’s Day is being observed.
In sending out his greetings, former Prime Minister Baldwin
Spencer says a strong woman values and uses all of her gifts.
He notes that women understand that logic, decisiveness, and
strength are just as feminine as intuition and emotional connection.
Spencer points out that the appointment of women in positions of
leadership was key to the success of the UPP Administration.
The Party was proud to support women in breaking barriers and
making extraordinary strides.
Accordingly, some of the appointments made by the UPP
Administration, dubbed the “Government in the Sunshine” included
the election of the first female, Dr. Jacqui Quinn, in the Lower House;
she subsequently became the first woman to act as prime minister.

The Spencer Administration also presided over the appointment of
the first female governor-general in the person of Dame Louise
Lake-Tack; the appointment of Delano Christopher as the first
female police commissioner; and the appointment of Dame
Deborah-Mae Lovell as the first female ambassador to the United

Other appointments saw Dame Hazlyn Mason-Francis elevated to
president of the Senate and Dame D.Gisele Isaac to Speaker of the
Spencer is admonishing Antigua and Barbuda, on this International
Women’s Day and going forward, to continue to support and protect
all women, as they are “ours, as much as we are theirs and they
deserve no less.”