Contraband still making its way into 1735, while resident scoffs at Administration’s plans to install scanning devices inside prison

A recent surprise search of His Majesty’s Prison, by police and
prison officers, has netted a number of contraband items, including
a quantity of cannabis and a cell phone.
Since it was believed that prison officers were smuggling illegal
items into the penal facility, the Government sought to crack down

on this alleged practice by placing police officers at the gate to
conduct searches. However, prison officials continue to face
challenges in preventing prohibited items from reaching the

Therefore, the Government reportedly intends to enhance security
measures by installing metal detectors and baggage scanners at
various locations in the Prison.

“When I see that, I will believe that,” a former police officer tells
REAL News. And he reminds the public of how long it took for the
Prison’s kitchen facilities to be repaired – leading to the outsourcing
of inmates’ meals.

“If they cannot fix the physical condition of the prison up to now and
keep the place [fumigated], what is the likelihood of them putting
electronic detectors in 1735?” he asks.

The retiree continues: “If this Government allowed the police
stations – the facilities intended to prevent and curb crime – to fall
into disrepair, you really think they are going to spend scarce money
on devices for the Prison?”