Students reminded that period for querying CSEC and CAPE results, or requesting script review, is still open

The period for querying the results of the Caribbean Secondary
Education Certificate (CSEC) and the CAPE examinations is still
open, according to Myrick Smith, the education officer for
examinations and local Caribbean Examinations Council registrar.
While CXC has not given its official deadline date, the query process
normally is extended for three to four weeks, Smith says, and the
results were released over two weeks ago.
Accordingly, students who still wish to query their grades can
continue to follow the process for doing so.
Inquiries can be made into results that are deemed ungraded; into
absences; and into grades that have been withheld. Requests can be
made even for a script review – in which the exam paper is re-
However, Smith says that queries should be made at the students’
respective schools and not through his office.
He notes that the process is usually free of charge – except for a
script review, which attracts a nominal cost.
According to officials, the query process can, at times, be quite
Reports say that responses to queries from the last exam period
were being received as late as March this year.