Redonda rises: From barren landscape to designation as an ecosystem reserve

Redonda reportedly has been declared one of the largest protected
areas in the Caribbean, a designation that is a significant step
toward conserving Antigua and Barbuda’s natural heritage.

The designation is known as the Redonda Ecosystem Reserve and
covers approximately 30,000 hectares of land and sea. These include
the entire island, its surrounding seagrass meadows, and a 180-
square-kilometre coral reef.

Some describe Redonda as a Caribbean island that once resembled
an infertile landscape like the surface of the moon.

Reportedly the island’s amazing conversion from an inert landscape
to a thriving haven of biodiversity began in 2016 when invasive
species were removed. 

The restoration efforts were led by local and international
conservation groups.

The restoration has resulted in increased vegetation, a resurgence of
native species, and improved coral reefs, according to officials.