Potter leads largest delegation, to date, on her Party’s Business Caravan through St. John’s Rural South

The United Progressive small-business initiative continues to make waves, with Gladys Potter, the Party’s Candidate for St. John’s Rural South, hailing the stop in her constituency on Saturday, September 10, a huge success.

Potter says there was heightened excitement as the “Small Business Pull-up” made its way through the communities.  Reports are that she led a large convoy of supporters through Ottos, Golden Grove and Nut Grove to patronize 30 small business operators on the itinerary.

Potter describes the welcome from the business owners as warm, adding that it was a pleasure to showcase her community to supporters.

Potter, herself a small business owner, says she understands the struggles that many small businesses face.

She says, “Every purchase helps us provide wages for our workers, keeps the lights on and puts food on the table for our families.”

During the outing, the UPP team capitalized on the opportunity to share the Party’s plans and policies for the growth and development of small businesses and for the advancement of the people in the community, as well.

According to Political Leader Harold Lovell, “This high-energy expedition also allowed patrons to fully experience the diversity and unique culture of this proud community.”

The UPP says last weekend’s activation of the initiative was the largest and most vibrant since it was launched four weeks ago. The tour highlighted some of the best eateries, bars, legendary shops and Spanish-owned businesses in the constituency.