APUA gives explanation and apology for Monday’s island-wide power outage; but householders say they are fed up

The Antigua Public Utilities Authority (APUA) is seeking to explain the island-wide electricity outage that took place on Monday, November 7, when the power went out at approximately 10:15 a.m. for a little longer than an hour.
APUA confirms that its electrical network experienced a total system collapse; and, based on a preliminary assessment, a fault on the 69KV line between Crabbs and Lavington Substations caused the issue.
Reportedly, the affected section of the network was isolated; however, all online generators tripped offline, leaving the entire island without APUA-sourced power.
However, the Authority says, “once conditions were safe, power was restored to the entire island by 11:35 a.m.”
It claims that further investigations are being carried out to determine the cause of the fault on the 69KV line. Further, it says, mitigation measures against the recurrence of this type of fault are being considered.

The APUA Electricity Business Unit is apologizing for the inconvenience caused and thanks the public for its patience and understanding during the outage.

However, home-owners in St. Peter tell REAL News they are “fresh out of patience with APUA and their electricity story.” They say their area was without power late Sunday night and, again, late Monday night into Tuesday morning.

“This on-and-off business is no good for our appliances. The fridge took so long to come back on, and the generator ran dry overnight,” the woman of the house complains.

“Tell APUA that people cannot afford to be replacing their things. Tell them the gas price is still high. Tell them that crime is still high, and we need our lights to stay on. It is too much and too often, now,” she declares.

“Nothing running right in this place!” her husband adds.