Amnesty discussion draws mixed reaction from citizens, while UPP Political Leader says an in-depth discussion is needed

With an election buzz sweeping through the country, the thorny issue of amnesty is under discussion, with many voicing their opinions on the matter.

Prime Minister Gaston Browne, in a recent media outing, said that his Administration intends to consider yet another amnesty for immigrants with gaps in their time here.

Suspicion quickly followed Browne’s announcement, with many citizens and residents weighing in with their opinions.  One such person is well-known talk show contributor Hillary Emmanuel, better known as Croif.

Other contributors to the daily talk shows are pleading with those immigrants targeted for the amnesty to beware of certain persons bearing gifts.

Not afraid to share his views on the ticklish subject, United Progressive Party Political Leader Harold Lovell maintains that an in-depth discussion should take place before there is any further action on this issue.