Until major polluters account for indiscriminate use of fossil fuels, Small Island States will remain charity cases, says Browne

Prime Minister Gaston Browne is calling for an international legal framework to be put in place to deal with the major polluters – whether countries or businesses – and hold them accountable for their actions, which severely impact Small Island Developing States (SIDS).

Browne was speaking on Friday morning, March 18, during the OECS Assembly held here.

Browne says that going to climate change meetings (COP) will not bring the required relief to SIDS, unless mechanisms are put in place to hold the polluters accountable.

Further, PM Browne says, actions that threaten the survivability of the planet constitute a crime against humanity.

Therefore, he adds, those who are burning fossil fuels indiscriminately are guilty of such crimes, given that there are many renewable green alternatives available.

Once there is no international enforcement mechanism, Browne says, countries like Antigua and Barbuda will be forced to rely on industrialized countries’ goodwill and their random acts of charity.

He says that these countries make pledges of millions of dollars annually, but, every year, have failed to meet the target.

Browne concludes that these countries are deliberately “gaming the system” in order to continue their indiscriminate use of fossil-fuel energy.