Mussington warns that apartheid in Barbuda will not work and Land Rights and Resources Committee has been reactivated

“Apartheid.” This is what many Barbudans say is being introduced
on the sister-island by way of an investment conglomerate. But
Councilman John Mussington says the people will not sit back in this
modern day and accept being disadvantaged. 
Rather, Mussington says, everything will be done to resist the
privatization of the 62-square-mile island and, in the process, the
displacement of its people.
He says the sister-island’s physical separation – with Barbudans
being restricted from certain areas by high fences and military-style
security – will not work.
Mussington reports that leases have been drafted to include buffer
zones. He describes these, essentially, as the tool of apartheid, since
certain persons must be excluded, and a barrier be erected between
specific types of people.
According to the councilman, those who are being excluded are the
native Barbudans.

That was Councilman John Mussington. 

In the meantime, Mussington says the Barbuda Land Rights and
Resources Committee has been reestablished to lead the cause for
equity on the island and to defend the land rights of the people.
It came into being in 2004 when the Barbuda Land Act was drafted.
The group’s motto is “Knowledge is power. Strength in unity.  No to
apartheid. No to privatization.”