Senator Browne shares plans for Glanvilles Polyclinic to become a mini hospital when he is elected

Senator Alex Browne, the United Progressive Party (UPP) caretaker
for St. Phillip’s North, is hoping to see the Glanvilles Polyclinic
turned into a mini hospital to serve the residents of that and
neighbouring communities.

Browne says this is one of his plans for the constituency when
elected. Once the human resources are available, he says, the facility
should not be operating eight hours a day, but on a 24-hour basis.
According to the caretaker, the polyclinic should be put into
operation at its maximum capacity to ease the burden on the
country’s lone public hospital.
Meanwhile, Senator Browne is hoping that the current
administration will see it fit to construct a fire station and locate an
ambulance within the constituency to better serve St. Phillip’s
In fact, he notes, the construction of a community fire station began
since the 1980s, but it has never been completed.
In the meantine, Senator Browne says that change is on the horizon,
as it is felt that another by-election, or a General Election, will be
called in less than a year.
Therefore, he is urging the people not to give up hope, since their
circumstances will greatly improve once a UPP government is in