City South residents issue petition opposing nomination of MP Benjamin for knighthood

Several residents of St. John’s City South are opposing the
nomination of their parliamentary representative, Attorney-General
Steadroy “Cutie” Benjamin, for a national award – specifically, a

A petition that went into circulation today outlines their grave
concerns about the bestowal of this high national honour on

Residents cite the MP’s alleged involvement in nefarious activities;
charges of criminal conduct; bad advice provided to the
Government; and poor representation of the people as the main
reasons why his nomination should be rescinded.

These constituents are particularly outraged that a national honour
would even be considered in light of the current dreadful conditions
throughout City South.

Under Benjamin’s 30-year tenure as the representative, residents
say their standard of living has deteriorated and the City of St. John’s
has fallen into a state of disrepair.

“What we allow is what will continue,” they state. “Benjamin’s
consistent and troubling track record for over thirty years renders
him unfit for this national recognition.

“By honouring Steadroy ‘Cutie’ Benjamin we would be rewarding
bad performance and reinforcing a culture of entitlement,” the
objectors’ statement continues.

“This sets a poor example for our constituents, particularly our
youth. It also cheapens the concept of national service and erodes
our national pride,” declares Onekha Elvin, chair of the United
Progressive Party City South branch.

Residents are encouraged to sign the petition to express their
disapproval of this decision by the National Honours and Awards
Committee to bestow the honourable title of “Sir” upon Benjamin.
To sign the petition, contact 771-1865/723-7958; 784-9968; or 772-

The knighthood is expected to be conferred during the
Independence ceremonies on November 1.