Gov’t back to one-seat majority in the House, Symister notes, as some speculate that Michael could be brought back to ALP fold

Prime Minister Gaston Browne has found himself back in the
position he has occupied since the January 18 General Election: with
a one-seat majority in the Lower House.
According to Leon Chaku Symister, the United Progressive Party
(UPP) spokesperson on legal matters, Browne was hoping the St.
Mary’s South by-election would increase his margin in the House of
But at the end of the vote tally on Tuesday night, October 25,
Symister says that Browne’s hopes were dashed, as the people of St.
Mary’s South rejected him and his administration once again.
Now, Symister says, the prime minister will still be walking on
eggshells, as every elected member on the government bench will
have to be present in Parliament during any critical vote.
Some pundits are even speculating that Browne may have to “return
to his vomit” and forgive St. Peter MP Asot Michael. They believe
that Browne may take Michael back into the party, use him to get a
foothold, and then discard him again.
Meanwhile, Symister says that Simon should be sworn in at the next
sitting of the Lower House. The UPP candidate will take the oath of
allegiance and then rejoin his five colleague MPs, bringing the
Party’s total to six and the Opposition bench to eight, inclusive of
Barbuda MP Trevor Walker and MP Michael.

Symister says he is hoping that Simon’s swearing-in will not take a
month, as happened after the January 18 General Election.
According to him, the UPP parliamentarians are ready to do what
the people elected them to do and will continue to fight for their