Mussington attributes minimal hurricane damage to Barbudans’ preparedness for Tammy

Councilman John Mussington says Barbudans are thankful to be
alive following the passage of Hurricane Tammy, which battered the
island on Saturday night, October 21.
The eye of the Category 1 storm passed directly over Barbuda,
bringing with it heavy rainfall and strong winds.
In the wake of its passage there was minor damage to the roofs of
some homes, fallen branches, and downed fences, but no life was
lost during the ordeal.

He attributes the minimal damage to homes and other properties to
the fact that Barbudans were not tardy with their preparations for
the impact of the hurricane.

This is a lesson learnt from their experience with Hurricane Irma in
2017 when their island was devastated.

On Monday morning, October 23, Mussington says, Barbudans were
able to see the sun – albeit in an overcast sky – for the first time
since the weekend, and the rain had stopped in his location.