Thomas exhorts SMS to vote Simon and stop Browne, the budding dictator, in his tracks

Alister Thomas is urging voters –including supporters of the Antigua
Labour Party (ALP) – to go out on Tuesday, October 24, and vote for
the United Progressive Party (UPP) candidate, Kelvin “Shugy” Simon.
Thomas, the UPP caretaker for St. John’s City West, says this by-
election is by far the most important one, as it is an attempt to stop a
dictator in the making: that is, Prime Minister Gaston Browne, who
has already shown that he wants to turn this country into a Marxist
And he notes that any action taken by Browne and his
administration will affect not only supporters of the UPP but Labour
Party supporters, as well.
Further, Thomas says that Browne deserves to pay for recent
comments that belittled the contributions of the Father of the
Nation, V.C. Bird Sr., and Prime Minister Lester Bird.
Specifically, Browne had declared that he is the best thing to have
happened to Antigua and Barbuda since Independence.
The UPP caretaker says it should be evident to everyone, ALP
supporters included, that Shugy Simon has proven himself in getting
things done in the constituency.

Thomas says that Prime Minister Browne is fearful of Simon because
he recognizes the St. Mary’s South by-election is not simply a poll;
rather, it is a referendum against him and his leadership.
And when the seat is won by the UPP candidate, the majority in the
Lower House will return to being razor thin, he adds.

Thomas is reiterating the conviction of many persons that Simon is
not running against Dwayne George but against PM Browne, who
has everything to lose if he does not win the seat and everything to
gain if the Antigua Labour Party candidate is successful.
He says that voters made the right choice on January 18 in electing
Simon to the House of Representatives and can surely do it again.
But this time, he says, they should do so more resoundingly to thwart
the prime minister’s plans for ultimate control of this country.

For a better future, constituents should re-elect Simon, Thomas
continues; and they should not be intimidated by anything said
about losing their jobs if they vote one way or the other.