Community group exhales now that Booby Alley houses are removed from Lower Fort Road location after protest

Following the issue of a press release that brought the public’s
attention to the relocation of Booby Alley residents to the Villa/Fort
Road and Old Runway communities, the Lower Fort Road and
Adjacent Areas Community Group (LFAC) is commending the
removal of the houses that had caused them great concern.

The Group had spoken about two houses placed on a piece of vacant
land, which, it said, had the potential of lowering the value of
existing properties and threatening community health.

In another media release issued on Monday, July 17, the Group said
that, on Saturday, July 8, residents observed that the two houses had
been removed.

Accordingly, the Group, on behalf of the residents of Lower Fort
Road and adjacent communities, is extending its appreciation to
those responsible for removing them.

It says also that it looks forward to the opportunity to meet with
community stakeholders, including the government, not only to
address other outstanding matters of concern, but to learn of the
authority’s plans for the area.

In the meanwhile, the Group and community members continue
their efforts to implement initiatives that uplift the community.  
This includes establishing a neighbourhood watch to boost security
in the face of increasing break-ins and robberies.