Death threat issued to yet another police officer, this time a resident of Piggotts Village
The issue of persons receiving death threats has again “raised its head,” as another police officer – within months – has received such a warning.
Reports say that a police constable who resides in Piggotts telephoned the Parham Police Station and reported that a wriiten threat had been left at his home.
The officer reportedly left his house sometime after 2 p.m. on October 4, while his wife, sister and other family members remained at home.
However, upon his return sometime after 5 p.m., his wife reported that she had found a threatening note under a flower pot on the southern side of the house.
Reports say the Police have kept the note for investigation purposes as they continue to look into the incident.
Several weeks ago, the aunt of another constable found a similar note at her house, in which the officer was threatened with bodily harm. That matter is still under investigation.
Other persons also made reports of receiving such threatening letters at their homes at around the same time.