Wehner urges parents to bring class-action suit against Gov’t for shut-out of unvaxxed students
George Wehner is calling on affected parents to mount a class-action lawsuit against the Gaston Browne Administration for keeping their unvaccinated children out of school.
Hundreds of parents and dozens of children turned out on Tuesday, November 16, for a picket organized by United Progressive Party Candidate Franz deFreitas. They were protesting Government’s refusal to allow unvaxxed children on school premises or even to offer them online learning.
Wehner says that parents should follow the example of MP Asot Michael, who recently used the court to challenge his party’s attempts at discrimination.
The UPP’s Mobilization Officer reminds parents that there is power in numbers and that they have a right to defend their children.
Wehner says that a team of lawyers is ready to offer assistance to any parent who wishes to use the courts to defend the rights and freedoms of their youngsters.
Meanwhile, Wehner says he is pleased with the turnout at Tuesday’s picket and is proud to see that the children took a stand for what they believe.
He says the Government’s move to deprive children of an education is a wicked act.