Investigations into complaints against senior sergeant result in disciplinary charges being brought against him

A senior police officer is expected to face a tribunal of officers of higher rank
after he was slapped with disciplinary charges. 
A source claims the senior sergeant faces two counts of disobedience to
orders and has already been served with a copy of the charges. Allegedly,
these stem from an incident with an inspector of police on November 11,
Investigations into the matter were commenced by another inspector who, at
the end of his inquiry, opted to lay disciplinary charges against the senior
It was just weeks ago that a constable attempted to have the Police Service
Commission overturn a decision made against him by a police tribunal. 

He had been found guilty of insubordination and ordered to pay a fine of $200.
However, his conviction was upheld and the appeal was dismissed for
insufficient evidence; therefore the imposed fine still stands.