Senator Joseph will take up the fight for dust-suppression systems at Gov’t quarries, as problem travels to Jennings

Senator Johnathan Joseph, the United Progressive Party (UPP)
caretaker for St. Mary’s North, is concerned about the dust
emanating from the quarries in the Bendals community and is
asking about the Government’s promise to install dust-suppression

In March this year, as a result of ongoing complaints about the dust
and other issues, and protest action by Bendals villagers, the
Ministry of Works had promised to address the issues seriously.
Minister Maria Browne had indicated, then, that the quarries were
producing twice as much aggregate as they would normally do, due
to ongoing roadworks across the island.
She acknowledged that the increased workload had also increased
the amount of dust being emitted from the Bendals Quarry, which
has about five plants, and the impact on residents, many of whom
are faced with health challenges.
Accordingly, Browne had promised that the Government would be
installing dust-suppression systems at the Burma and Bendals
quarries, in the first instance, to reduce the difficulties to which the
adjoining villages are subjected.
However, Senator Joseph says the dust continues to impact the
residents, and this is an issue he intends to address, since it is
spreading to neighbouring communities. As recently as last week,
he says, he witnessed a dust plume from Bendals making its way
into the Jennings area.

Therefore, the UPP caretaker recognizes the urgent need for the
systems to be installed at the quarries to prevent persons from
falling sick.
Joseph says this issue is of serious concern to residents, especially
those in Bendals, and it needs to be addressed now, since nothing
has been done in the six months since Browne’s promise.