Truck stolen from police station compound was found, hidden, in Bolans, but building materials were missing

The truck filled with lumber that was stolen from the compound of
the Langfords Police has been found, according to a source.
And while the Police are yet to publish any information about the
incident, the source has confirmed that the vehicle was found by
members of the Special Services Unit (SSU), hidden in some bushes
in Bolans, on the same night it was stolen – Saturday, August 26.
However, all the building materials were missing from the truck.
Reports say the vehicle was removed to Police Headquarters by a
local wrecker service at about 10:30 p.m. for investigation purposes.
This time around, the Police removed two batteries from the motor
truck, and these were taken to Langfords Police Station for safe
keeping, the source says.
The source notes that this should have been done initially, since
officers were aware that the owner still had the keys.
However, the source concedes, the Police might have thought that
no one would be brazen enough to enter a police compound and
steal a truck filled with lumber and building tools.