Completion of Morris Bay rest stop is near, and handover to community will follow shortly after, MP Pringle assures

Construction of a public bathroom facility at Morris Bay, which was undertaken by MP Jamale Pringle, is nearing completion and should be handed over to the community thereafter.

Pringle, the representative for All Saints East & St. Luke, says that tile work is being completed on the restroom, which he expects will ultimately benefit locals and visitors alike.

The project, which started more than a year ago, had some delays to its completion date on account of the COVID-19 pandemic, Pringle says.

Meanwhile, the MP says the facility is more than a bathroom; rather, it is a rest stop that will provide some level of economic activity for the small businesses plying their trade on the beach and in close proximity.

Accordingly, Pringle is grateful to the persons and businesses that lent their support and brought the project to this stage.

In August, Pringle undertook a series of town hall meetings to dialogue with constituents about the handover of the Morris Bay facility.

He undertook the construction in order to ensure that residents and tourists alike will have somewhere to relieve themselves and change while at the beach.

The facility will comprise bathroom stalls for males and females, including for the disabled, and will be outfitted with toilets, urinals and sinks. 

Funding for the project is being provided by Pringle with some corporate assistance.