Pringle thanks emergency-response units, volunteers, and communities who worked to restore normalcy after TS Philippe

Following the passage of Tropical Storm Philippe, Opposition Leader
Jamale Pringle is expressing appreciation to the country’s
emergency-response units for doing their best to bring daily life
back to normal.
Philippe, which slammed into both Antigua and Barbuda on Monday
night, brought heavy rain, thunder, and unprecedented lightning
that resulted in island-wide power outages, fallen branches and
trees, and massive flooding in quite a number of areas.

On behalf of the United Progressive Party (UPP) and his
parliamentary colleagues, Pringle extends sincere thanks to the
workers from the Antigua Public Utilities Authority, the Defence and
Police Forces, and the National Office of Disaster Services – as well
as the community and church groups who did their part.
“Antigua and Barbuda is a strong nation; and even through
adversities such as this, we are quick to get up, dust ourselves off,
and move on with renewed strength,” the UPP leader says in a
public statement.

Meanwhile – like thousands of residents – Pringle is thanking God
for the rain that fell, noting that the country was in dire need of the
water, as it has been plagued by years of drought and severe

He is also grateful that there was no loss of life on account of the
hours of rain and wind gusts that accompanied the storm.
Pringle also commends the camaraderie among the people, many of
whom mobilized after the storm had passed to remove fallen trees,
shrubs, and debris that was obstructed roads and drains.

According to the All Saints East and St. Luke MP, while he was
driving through the communities, it warmed his heart to see
neighbours helping each other and children playing their part, as
people came together in the name of humanity and love of country.
Pringle says he was also very thankful that the people of sister-
island Barbuda fared well during the storm, with no adverse
consequences being reported.