The road to higher education is paved with litter, parent complains about route to The UWI – Five Islands campus

The parent of a university student is calling on the Ministry of Works and the Ministry of Health to clean the route leading to The UWI – Five Islands campus.

Calling it “a disgrace” and describing the situation as “a lack of pride,” the woman says she cannot understand how the Ministry of Education did not ensure the road leading to the campus was cleaned in time for the new school year.

Speaking to REAL News, she says that persons driving the route should take photographs of the litter and debris and post them to social media, since that might spur the authorities to do something about it.

Other persons have remarked that the environs of the campus are not inviting, especially to regional students who might be considering attending university in Antigua and Barbuda.

Meanwhile, the parent also complains about the parking situation at The UWI-FI, noting that no accommodation has been made for persons picking up their children.

While she understands that on-site parking is reserved for students, faculty and staff, she says she was advised by a security officer that parents are not allowed to park on the streets fronting the campus.

“Where are we to wait, then? Why put a university in a location that is so inconvenient?” she asks.

She notes that access is pretty much limited to a single road, and if parking remains as restricted as it currently is, the resulting bottle-necks will become untenable.