All restrictions on beach activities lifted, freeing residents to enjoy Easter and Labour Day in their usual fashion
All restrictions on beach activities have been lifted, with Easter just around the corner and as the country gets set to celebrate Labour Day.
These are two occasions that usually attract thousands of beachgoers; but, for the past two years, activities have been restricted on account of the COVID-19 pandemic.
During the earlier days of the pandemic, beach activities during public holidays were banned. This was later lifted to allow for physical exercise and minor recreation that did not include music and food.
However, the authorities have now decided to fully lift all restrictions on the strength of reports from the World Health Organization, which confirms a global decline in the number of COVID-19 infections.
Officials say this is also the case for Antigua and Barbuda, with only six active infections at present and no hospitalizations. These stats, they say, augur well for the country’s return to normalcy.
Therefore, Labour Day 2022 will be observed on Monday, May 2, with the usual ceremonies and celebrations that have characterized the public holiday.
The Cabinet has agreed that the usual speeches, marches, and gatherings with live entertainment at beaches can return to the calendar this year.