Local police procedures lacking; look to American cops, resident urges

Dear Editor:

Recently, we’ve heard about women who’ve been assaulted in their homes by a serial
rapist. Of course, the unsolved murders and thefts keep growing.
Police procedures are lacking. Solving crime does not always involve search warrants
and expensive technology.

A few years ago, a woman was murdered and her body was dumped in my community. I
know the occupants of a house that was right next to her body. They said that police
never knocked on their door to ask them if they saw anything during the time frame of
the murder.

In America, police often practice door-to-door policing. They knock on doors and ask
residents questions. They don’t wait for the public to come to them; they go out to the

Another thing American police do is collect evidence from suspects that is left in public
places. That way, they don’t need a search warrant. Police go through the garbage that
is left at the side of the road for collection; they have gathered lots of evidence and
solved lots of crime this way.

Also, they monitor the suspects’ movements and if the suspect ate in a restaurant, they
collect the utensils they left behind and carry out DNA and fingerprinting tests.
The police also need to collect a fingerprinting database. All persons who’ve been
arrested should be fingerprinted. Also, they can get fingerprints by working with the
Electoral Commission.

Yours truly
Harriet Tubman