Residents asked for donations of blood to assist former parliamentarian needing emergency surgery

Political Leader of the Democratic National Alliance (DNA) Joanne Massiah
requires emergency surgery and is in need of blood donations.

Massiah, an attorney-at-law by profession, apparently was admitted to the Sir
Lester Bird Medical Centre on Friday, June 7.
While the schedule for the surgery is not known, she is said to be in urgent
need of B negative blood. And, as such, an appeal has gone out through
several forums.

Massiah’s law office, George Solomon Chambers, in a letter dated June 7 and
signed by Legal Administrative Assistant Janet Peters, notified officials in the
legal fraternity of her situation.
The correspondence was addressed to the Registrar of the High Court,
Registrar of Lands, Registrar of Intellectual Property and Commerce Office, the
Chief Magistrate and the Registrar of the Industrial Court, as well as the
Secretary of the Antigua and Barbuda Bar Association.
Persons have been extending prayers for her speedy recovery.
Massiah was a parliamentarian with the United Progressive Party before
leaving and forming her own political party.