No specific date given, but Sir Molwyn says cataract surgeries by T&T medical team will resume in July

Residents requiring cataract surgery will be able to have the operations in
July, through the assistance of a medical team from Trinidad
While Minister of Health Sir Molwyn Joseph could not give the precise date
that these professionals will arrive on island, he says an announcement will be
made shortly.

The team was last here in 2023, having been invited by the Cabinet to perform
the sight-saving surgery, primarily on elderly citizens whose eyesight has
been impaired.
The team has also trained several nurses and other professionals in preparing
patients, participating in the operations, and providing post-operative care.
Sources told REAL News, last year, there were approximately 500 persons
registered through the Sir Lester Bird Medical Centre for cataract surgery; but
the regrettable shutdown of the operating theatres did not allow the Trinidad
team to provide the service.
According to previous reports by the Trinidad group, Antigua and
Barbuda’s cataract surgery rate is in the top three in the Caribbean – after
Suriname and Barbados, which occupy first and second positions,
This rate reportedly is determined by 4,000 cataract operations per one
million population. In Antigua and Barbuda’s case, that would be 400
surgeries per 100,000 population.