Three months after hand-over ceremony, Bolans Police Station remains under-equipped and under-furnished even after PWA sources some beds

Reasons are being sought for the Gaston Browne Administration’s rush to
open the Bolans Police Station when the place is still not properly equipped to
enable officers to do their work.
A soft opening of the newly constructed station took place on February 29 this
year, with addresses given by Minister of National Security Steadroy “Cutie”
Benjamin; the top brass of the Police Force; St. Mary’s South MP Kelvin
“Shugy” Simon; and Senator Dwayne George.

However, officers did not occupy the space immediately after the hand-over
ceremony, because it was not equipped with furniture or the other amenities
required to function optimally.
Now, more than three months later, officers are occupying the station – but
are still without the resources and equipment needed to serve and protect the
people in the district. Allegedly, the station lacks a number of important
amenities, such as Internet connectivity and computers, as well as pipe-borne
water and beds.
A source tells REAL News that the officers’ plight was recently shared with the
Police Welfare Association (PWA), which sought to assist by sourcing beds
from a neighbouring station at Johnsons Point.
However, the Association is unable to deal with the other issues; so an appeal
has been made to the Browne Administration to address these matters
In the meantime, MP Simon is expressing concern that, after so many years of
mismanagement and chaos, the Bolans Station is still not fully functional and
the officers remain under-equipped.
Simon had raised this issue in February, following the opening ceremony,
when he indicated that the station – although the building appeared complete
– was not ready for occupancy.

He pointed out, then, that there was no equipment or furniture in the building
and he did not believe that officers would be working from that location any
time soon.