MP Lewis calls on Administration to reopen Five Islands Clinic and to supply Grays Farm Clinic properly 

St. John’s Rural West MP Richard Lewis is appealing to the Browne
Administration to reopen the satellite health clinic in Five Islands, which has
been closed for an extended period. 
While calling for this clinic to be reopened, Lewis is appealing for the proper
resourcing of the Grays Farm Clinic, as well.

The MP says the Government needs to put actionable plans in place to get the
Five Islands facility functional again.
He notes that, since its closure these last few years, villagers in need of
medical services have been forced to seek them at the Grays Farm facility.
According to the MP, it is both unfair and unethical that sick persons should
have to travel that long a distance for medical care, when the Five Islands
facility was constructed to avoid that very situation.
Meanwhile, Lewis claims the Administration has offered no reason for the
prolonged closure other than saying there is “a lack of resources.”
The representative calls this a stunning admission of failure on the part of the
administration and a betrayal of its commitment to provide universally
available primary healthcare. 
Meanwhile, he is calling for the proper resourcing and maintenance of the
Grays Farm Clinic, which reportedly experiences regular shortages of critical
resources, including both medical and cleaning supplies.
Added to that, he charges that maintenance of the facility has also been
woefully inadequate.
Lewis, while championing the call for better healthcare for his constituents,
has donated medical and cleaning supplies, as well as material to fix the
leaking roof at the clinic.
He says the time has come for the Government and Minister of Health Sir
Molwyn Joseph to deliver a lasting solution to the persistent problems
plaguing the community healthcare facilities.