Minors picked up by police during early-morning hours are detained and then handed over to their parents’ custody

The Police picked up a group of minors in St. John’s in the early
hours of Tuesday, October 31, as officers were conducting mobile
patrol duties.

A source says that, during the sweep of the city and its outskirts – in
areas such as Villa, The Point, Fort Road, Ottos, and other residential
locations – several other people were also stopped and searched in
an effort to prevent criminal activity.
As officers continued their patrol, they spotted four minors,
travelling together on two bicycles, at about 3:30 a.m., on All Saints
Road, in the vicinity of Special Security Services.
The officers reportedly stopped them and asked why they were on
the road at that hour of the morning, and they could not give a
reasonable explanation.
As a result, they were taken to the St. John’s Police Station and
detained, but they were later released into the custody of their
guardians after they were contacted. It was noted that the bicycles
were without a light, as is mandated by law.
Later that morning, at about 4:20 a.m., another minor was seen on
St. Mary Street in the vicinity of Roti King. This time, it was a female,
and she was asked to give a reason for being on the road at that
hour. She, too, was unable to give a reasonable explanation.
Therefore, she was detained and taken to the station. Her parents
were contacted and she was later released into their custody.
The Police have contacted the Youth Intervention Centre and
notified the authorities of both incidents.