Days away from June deadline, Tabor doubts that LIAT 2020 is ready to take to the skies, as promised – yet again – by Browne Administration

While the Gaston Browne Administration anticipates that LIAT 2020 will take
to the skies in June – which is now mere days away – many residents say they
do not believe it will happen, as previous deadlines, in April and May, have
fallen through.
The excuse given, then, was that certain logistics were still being worked out.
Damani Tabor, public relations officer of the United Progressive Party (UPP),
is among those who are not optimistic about a June starting date.
Accordingly, on behalf of the Party, he continues to press the Government,
through Ambassador Daven Joseph, to release the agreement signed with Air
Peace, the Nigerian airline that reportedly has a 75 percent stake in the new
local carrier.

The UPP officer says the Party is hoping that LIAT 2020 will be a successful
venture, given the need for a replacement airline; but based on all the missed
timelines, there is doubt about when it will take to the skies.

That was Damani Tabor, UPP public relations officer.

Two aircraft, dispatched by Air Peace, arrived on island on Tuesday, April 23,
and are to form part of the LIAT 2020 fleet. The Administration has said the
airline will be operating as many as six airplanes at the start of its service.

Reportedly, the shareholder governments of the now defunct LIAT (1974) Ltd.
and the Caribbean Development Bank have agreed to sell three aircraft to the
newly formed LIAT 2020 for the launch of the new inter-regional airline.

Meanwhile, since the Cabinet announced, in April, that the Eastern Caribbean
Civil Aviation Authority (ECCAA) was weeks away from granting the Air
Operator Certificate (AOC) – which would allow the airline to commence
commercial services – there has been no announcement on whether the
licence has been granted.