Residents need to stage protest over Administration’s nonchalant attitude to rising crime, UPP officers say

The Easter weekend was marred by the stabbing death of an Old
Road villager, Ricaldo Joseph, evidence of the rise in violent

It follows a call by two officers of the United Progressive Party
(UPP) for the people of Antigua and Barbuda to take a definitive
stance against the increase in crime, given the Gaston Browne
Administration’s nonchalant attitude to the issue.

Critics say it appears that comparing the local crime rate against
other Caribbean countries, and concluding that Antigua and
Barbuda has the lowest crime rate is good enough for the Cabinet
and Public Safety Minister Steadroy “Cutie” Benjamin.

But D.Gisele Isaac, chairman of the UPP, says the entire country
is being affected, with residents fearful at night – and even in the
daytime – to leave their doors unlocked and their windows open.

Isaac says this fear alone should compel the population to rise up
and demand that the Government do better – or stage protest

Meanwhile, Public Relations Officer Damani Tabor is condemning
the Administration for not lending more support and undertaking
strategic planning with the Police in order to reduce criminal

That was Damani Tabor, UPP Public Relations Officer.