Praedial larceny on the increase this year, so Agriculture Officer hopes farmer’s ID card will be issued soon

Farmers in the South West district are facing the ever-increasing
incidence of praedial larceny, which is taking a toll on their output
and finances.

Onecia Anthony, the South West District officer, says the theft of
produce seems to have increased this year, 2024, with one farmer in
that area losing over 500 pounds of pumpkin.
Anthony says that thieves have been entering farmers’ allotments
and uprooting their ground produce, such as cassava.
She says that animal owners are also creating an issue for the crop
farmers, as they turn loose their livestock without consideration for
the damage their animals could cause to property and crops.

Anthony says the Ministry of Agriculture has given a commitment to
deal with this matter by implementing a farmer’s ID card.
This will prevent thieves from going onto the roadways or into the
Public Market to peddle stolen produce, since if they are requested
to present their identification and fail, the authorities will be
This is, in fact, an initiative that was announced by the Ministry of
Agriculture over a year ago, but Anthony is hoping that farmers will
be issued their ID cards shortly.

Onecia Anthony, South West District Officer.