MP Richard Lewis has recognized the contribution of the country’s lone female police commissioner, who died on Sunday, February 11.

Former Commissioner Delano Christopher, QPM, passed away at
her home in Gunthorpes, reports say.
In a short message of condolence, Lewis expressed his sympathy to
Christopher’s family, friends, and colleagues.
She was the Caribbean’s first female commissioner of police and was
appointed in 2005 by Prime Minister Baldwin Spencer.
Lewis is of the opinion that Commissioner Christopher “paved the
way for countless women across the region to shatter glass ceilings
within the law enforcement field.”
In fact, he notes that, in 2023, female commissioners of police were
appointed in St. Lucia and in Trinidad & Tobago.
Christopher, in recognition of her sterling service to the Royal Police
Force of Antigua and Barbuda, was honoured with the Queen’s
Police Medal (QPM) in 2006. 

Lewis acknowledges that she served selflessly and worked tirelessly
to improve the morale and function of the Force and the
maintenance of law and order in the country.

The MP remembers her for her “unwavering commitment to public
service, dogged determination and exceptional leadership skills.”
He says she was a mentor and inspiration to many. 
According to Lewis, Christopher’s pioneering legacy will continue to
be a beacon of progress to future generations of trailblazers,
including the current growing ranks of female police officers.