Good Humans 268 promotes further discussion about disabilities that targets the 16,000 affected locals

Joshuanette Francis, the founder of Good Humans 268 Incorporated,
has launched another initiative that seeks to promote more
discussion about disabilities.  
“Conscious conversations,” as it is called, was launched over a week
ago, with an article that outlines the meaning of “disabilities”
published online.
Francis says that, based on statistics, about 16,000 people in Antigua
and Barbuda have some form of disability, which is measured on a
spectrum from mild to very severe.

Francis is hoping that residents will come to realize that being
disabled is not the end of the world, and persons can live normal
lives in spite of their disabilities.

The founder of Good Humans 268 Incorporated says the online
feature highlighting disabilities will be published bi-weekly until the
manpower and resources are acquired to make it a weekly feature.

Meanwhile, she is soliciting the public’s help in getting an accessible
bathroom installed at the Potters Primary School to facilitate a
female Grade Four student.
Francis says the organization will be embarking on a similar
initiative in other schools and will not be waiting on the Government
for assistance.
According to her, citizens have to band together and become the
voice and the change for persons living with disabilities.

That was Joshuanette Francis, the founder of Good Humans 268

Good Humans 268 Incorporated is a non-profit organization that is
dedicated to creating golden opportunities for the disabled through
climate action, sustainable farming and community outreach.