New sewage system to replace use of buckets and pits in 2024, prison boss reports

Trevor Pennyfeather, the superintendent of His Majesty’s Prison,
says one of his main concerns at the penal institution is the
plumbing and sewage system.

Inmates have no internal plumbing in the cells but have to use pit
latrines and outside bathroom facilities. 

Pennyfeather says he is hoping to address the plumbing issues
soon with the installation of a sewage system, which has been
included in the2024 capital expenditure and already approved.
He is hoping this will alleviate or significantly reduce the use of pails
and buckets and the inmates’ transportation of human waste to the

Meanwhile,  the prison boss says that some of the buildings at 1735
– as the institution is commonly known – are very old and in need of

Based on reports he has received, he says these structures are
unsafe; therefore the authorities are considering methods of shoring
up these buildings until the Government has secured funding to
construct a new prison facility.