Relative of prominent Arab family released from Immigration Detention Centre after businessman and prison official step in

A prominent Arab family has used its influence to secure the release
of a young man from the Immigration Detention Centre at Coolidge,
a source tells REAL News. 
According to the source, Immigration officials detained the man –
believed to be a relative of the business family – at the V.C. Bird
International Airport, and he was taken to the detention centre on
Friday morning, December 8, along with a Jamaican national.

The reason for his detention was not confirmed, but it is alleged that
the young man’s parents telephoned a well-known member of the
family, and that he contacted a high-ranking government official
who gave certain instructions.
It is alleged that some senior officers of the Immigration Department
were not even aware of what was going on. But, according to the
source, the businessman showed up at the detention centre some
three hours later, apparently to remove the young man.
The source says that a senior prison official came to the centre after
the businessman and that, about 45 minutes later, a silver Skyliner
pulled up to the gate.
Soon after, the source adds, the businessman and the detainee
emerged from a building and went to the gate, where the young
man’s relatives greeted him with hugs.
The businessman later drove off, along with the senior prison
The source is asking whether “money was passed,” or some other
favour was granted, to remove the young man from the centre so
If so, the insider states, it is very unfair that those with money are
allowed to flout the law while the poor man has to face the full
extent of justice.
The person notes that other alleged offenders would have had to
spend a longer time in detention; but this young man, because of his
connections, was released in fewer than 24 hours. 

It was noted that the detention centre is nothing like the
“accommodation” provided in police custody, as there are actual
beds, air conditioning, and meals provided by the Immigration