Potter says clean-up of Rural South and stepped-up policing are needed to make residents safer

Gladys Potter, the United Progressive Party (UPP) caretaker for St.
John’s Rural South, is calling for bushy areas in the constituency to
be cleared, since, she says, these have become hiding places for
Potter says that Rural South has too many areas with overgrown
bushes and shrubbery, which have become hideouts for
mischievous persons, thus causing concern for residents.
With the high incidence of crime affecting the country, what the
constituency needs right now is a thorough clean-up campaign that
includes cutting away the bushes and trimming overgrown trees.
This, she says, should be undertaken in concert with stepped-up
police patrols.

Meanwhile, the Government will be making efforts to demolish a
half-constructed building in the Nut Grove area that is known for
harbouring criminals.
Plans for this were unveiled by MP Daryll Matthew during a recent
town hall meeting that was held to address residents’ concerns
about escalating crime.
It is alleged that incidents of rape have taken place in the incomplete
building, and reports say the Police have suggested restricting
access to the site.
Other reports say that structural assessments of the structure have
revealed it is unstable – which is what has prompted the decision to
have it demolished.