Executive votes to fund replacement of hospital’s air-con system and, in the interim, to purchase some single units

The Cabinet has agreed and voted to provide the resources for
completing the first phase of replacing the air-conditioning system
at the Sir Lester Bird Medical Centre.
This week’s Notes say Health Minister Sir Molwyn Joseph reported
to his colleagues that the air conditioning system at the hospital has
been malfunctioning and needs to be replaced.
This, reportedly, will cost the Government US$1.5 million, and the
work will have to be done in stages. 
Sir Molwyn says the system is driven by two units, and since the
replacement may take place in stages, these units must be replaced
This will be beneficial to patients, as the need for clean air in the
operating rooms and comfort on the wards can come only from a
a working air-conditioning system with many filters.

In the meantime, with the heat waves currently stifling the
population, the Executive also voted to purchase some single a/c
units that can relieve the discomfort of the patients and workers.
At present, many persons admitted to the hospital take along
standing fans since most of the rooms are not being served by the
air conditioning.