‘The people of St. Mary’s South are not for sale,’ Shugy declares, and so ALP will have to deploy another by-election strategy

The people of St. Mary’s South are not for sale, declares Kelvin
“Shugy” Simon, candidate for the United Progressive Party (UPP);
and so the Antigua Labour Party (ALP) will have to deploy another
strategy for the upcoming by-election, he says. 

Since Simon tendered his resignation from Parliament on June 7, a
by-election is due in that constituency within 120 days from that
date. Accordingly, the Party, the candidate and his branch are
readying themselves to go back to the polls.

Addressing constituents at a UPP-organized town hall meeting at the
Urlings Primary School on Monday night.

Simon says the people of St. Mary’s South (SMS) require good leadership for their

He notes that the Antigua Labour Party has mastered the art of
deception and thinks it will continue to work on the country and on
the residents of St. Mary’s South.

 However, Simon says that constituents will not be fooled and will
reject Samantha Marshall and her Labour Party colleagues again, as
they did in the recent General Election.

He reiterated a slogan widely used leading up to the January 18 polls
– “Red Dead” – and asserted that the ALP will not win the St. Mary’s
South seat.

Meanwhile, Simon was critical of the leadership style of Prime
Minister Gaston Browne, who, he says, is not a good role model for
the Nation’s youth.

Further, the former MP charges that Browne has strategically
positioned the Speaker of the House to frustrate the will of the
people in St. Mary’s South.