Attorney-General Benjamin boasts that High Court building is now as habitable as any new building downtown

The building that houses the High Court of Justice reportedly has
been made as habitable as any new building in St. John’s, according
to Attorney-General Steadroy “Cutie ” Benjamin.

The Court had been closed for a short time, hampering the hearing
of trials and its other day-to-day operations.

This reportedly was due to a build-up of mould in the
building, which the staff and some jurors complained was making
them sick.

An evaluation and site inspection was done by Dr. Linroy Christian, 
the principal investigator, and several issues were unearthed and
recommendations made. 

Benjamin is reassuring all users that the building has been
thoroughly deep-cleaned and the mould has been removed. 
He says that the carpeting, which was worn and had not been
changed since the building was commissioned, has been removed
and is being replaced by ceramic tiles.

However, what Benjamin is reporting is only a small portion of the
remedial work that should be done on the building; and Dr.
Christian has recommended that a further assessment be done after
the completion of all the remedial work. 

He also says that a yearly inspection and assessment of the building
is required thereafter.