Cabinet assures law-enforcement agencies that crime-fighting equipment will be paid for; from Alfa Nero sale, pundits say

Cabinet has assured the law-enforcement agencies that funds will be spent to ensure they are provided with the tools required to fight crime.

On Wednesday, May 17, the Executive met with the respective agencies – including the Police, the Defence Force and the ONDCP – to address the surging incidence in crime and youth violence. 

It was determined that, in addition to significantly more manpower, a VHF radio system and CCTV cameras in and around St. John’s would be required.

These measures would require a significant amount of financing; however, the Cabinet says it will fully support the allocation of funds to meet these purchases.

Meanwhile, during the meeting, several reports were presented, including the material assets and the human resources that will be required for the new Barbuda airport. 

It was noted that more fire officers and a fire truck will be required to meet those demands, as well. 

Pundits tell REAL News the additional fire officers and tender are likely to materialize, only because that initiative will be driven by the investors on the sister-island.

However, they say, securing the resources for Antigua is “iffy” – meaning “only if” the Administration earmarks funds from the sale of the Alfa Nero for the Police Force.  Otherwise, they say, “dem nar get a ting.”  

To support their argument, they point to the breathalyzer machines promised to the Traffic Department, a promise made – and unkept – since 2018.  They note, as well, the shortage of uniforms and boots about which the Police Welfare Association complains annually.